Batida Coco Mangaroca 70 Cl
Mangaroca Coconut beating is a traditional Brazilian drink made with milk, coconut and alcohol. All the charming colors and flavors of Brazil can be found in this delicious drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Brazil is a magical name that evokes the image of enchanting beaches, exotic fruits, music and dances, colors and flavors. It is these colors and flavors that you discover in Mangaroca Batida de Coco, the drink is produced according to a typical Brazilian recipe, based on coconut milk. It is almost impossible not to like Mangaroca Coconut Beat and its pleasant, low-alcohol taste. Mangaroca Coconut Shake is perfect for giving a tropical touch to a cocktail that needs coconut flavor, like the famous Pina Colada. And how to make a pina colada? 1/4 White Rum 1/4 Mangaroca Coconut Beat -
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Mangaroca Coconut beating is a traditional Brazilian drink made with milk, coconut and alcohol. All the charming colors and flavors of Brazil can be found in this delicious drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Brazil is a magical name that evokes the i -
11,95 €