Frequent Questions | Garrafeira Soares

Frequent Questions

Get your questions answered here

  • How to place an order?
    Placing an order on our website is quite simple. Just go to our page, search the products and quantities that you want to buy and add them to the cart.
    When you have completed the order you just have to fill in the required fields and proceed with payment.
    Orders will only be processed when the payment is settled.
  • What to do in the event of a stock break?
    In the event of a stock break, we ask the customer to try a few days later because our stock is frequent replenishment.
    If you need an urgent product you can go to one of our physical stores and make the purchase, taking into consideration the price and operating policies of the physical stores.
    For more information you can contact us at
  • Can I cancel or change my order?
    If the shipping for the order you wish to cancel hasn’t been made, the order may be canceled.
    If you want to change or cancel something related to the order, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible through the e-mail: or (+351) 289 510 460.
    In case the customer has an account in the Garrafeira Soares website you can follow all the states of your order there.
  • Where can I get my order invoice?
    If your purchase is made through the customer account of our website you can find all the information about the orders in its section.
    If you have made the purchase as an unregistered customer, the invoice will be sent with your order.
    If you need the invoice by e-mail, in case of need or offer, we ask that you contact us to proceed to the respective sending.
  • How can i check the status of my order?
    If you have an account in Garrafeira Soares website, you can track the order process through your customer account. However, in order to track the status of your order, will be sent an email with the information and link to the "track" of the shipment.

  • To which countries Garrafeira Soares send orders?
    Garrafeira Soares sends orders to the following countries:
    - Continental Portugal;
    - Islands (Azores and Madeira);
    - Spain;
    - European Union 1 (Luxembourg, Slovenia, Denmark, Slovakia, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, France, Monaco and Germany);
    - European Union 2 (Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia).
    If you wish to send an order to other country than the one mentioned above, we ask you to automatically contact our Customer Service via
  • When will the process of my order start?
    The process of your order will start automatically after you place your order online. We proceed to confirm stock of the requested products, verify the payment method used and if it has already been made the respective payment.
    In case of products that are in stock, and depending on the location to which we will send, the order usually takes between 24h and 48h useful days to be processed and sent.
  • What is the shipping cost?

    1 — The transport fee reflects the transportation cost depending on the location it will be delivered, the product(s) weight and the safety bags utilized for the merchandise transport.

    2 — Normally, an order will take 2 to 3 working days to be delivered in Portugal, 2 to 10 working days in Madeira and Açores, and 3 to 5 working days in Europe (there are exceptions which we can't control such as natural catastrophes).

    Transport fees will be free of charge in all orders above 50€ to Portugal. 

    3 — If you wish to know the transportation fee to your area, you can do it by simulating a purchase at

    4 — You can simulate a purchase by adding to your basket the wanted products and by finalizing the purchase process with all the information requested.

    For more information contact us through the e-mail:

  • What to do if you can’t be present when the order is delivered?
    The carrier make deliveries from Monday to Friday during office hours. In case of not being able to be present at the time of delivery of the order the carrier will try for 2 consecutive business days, leaving a notification and respective telephone contact.
    (Verificar isto com a Chronopost)

  • How can I contact you?
    You can contact Garrafeira Soares through the following contacts:
    Telephone: (+351) 289 510 460
    You can visit one of our stores closest to you. Check the following link:
  • How can I change my account information?
    To change your account information, you just have to log in to the Garrafeira Soares website and edit the information you want.
  • I forgot my password, what can I do?
    In case of forgetting the password, do not worry, we help you to reset it.
    When you are on the login page, click below in "Forgot your password?" link and fill in the requested fields.

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